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Debt Consolidation

Finances plummeting out of control?
Get your finances in shape by paying off lingering high-interest balances faster with SOCU’S Debt Consolidation Loan. Exercise your budgeting sensibility by consolidating your debt's today. Check out our rates.

Credit card debt is once again growing in America. The average U.S. household with debt carries $15,762 in credit card debt. The average interest rate is 13.70%, which means American families could pay more than $2,000 of interest over the next year if they make only the minimum payment.*

What are you paying now?
$10 Grand in Credit Card Debt Could Cost You!
$10,325.00 in Total Finance Charges
for a grand total of $20,325.00 out of your pocket!
With a SOCU Debt Consolidation Loan … you would save $8,157.00!

Apply Online for Debt Consolidation Loan

*Source: Nick Clements http://www.forbes.com/sites/nickclements/2016/03/25/the-risk-and-rewards-of-consolidating-credit-card-debt/#7edb88f0c97d