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Saving Rates

Below are our savings account rates. We also offer certificates, money market accounts and other investment options.

Saving Account Rates

AmountDividend RateAPY
$0.99 Or Less0.00%0.00%
$1.00 To $999.990.25%0.25%
$1,000.00 to $9,999.990.25%0.25%
$10,000.00 & Over0.25%0.25%

IRA, EZ & Club Accounts

TypeDividend RateAPY
Youth Savers0.35%0.35%
EZ Savers0.25%0.25%

*APY Is The Annual Percentage Yield. All rates are subject to change without notice. Yields are based on all dividends remaining in account to compound. Dividends declared and credited to your account at the end of every quarter.