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Denied? - But I Have Money In My Account!

Have you ever been denied a transaction when using your debit card even when you knew you had funds available in your account? Take a deep breath. Don't worry. You are not alone.

Some merchants have started requiring that debit cards be processed as a debit transaction opposed to running the card as a credit transaction due to high fraud. When this happens it usually means that your credit transaction will be denied but if you enter your pin number in and select debit it will be approved.

Although it may look like SOCU or your financial institution is denying the charge, it is the merchant that has set various limits or boundaries to which they will accept a credit transaction. They often opt for a more secure pin-based transaction for larger purchases.

If you have been denied a purchase take these steps below:

  1. Inform the cashier that you wish to use the card as a debit.
  2. When prompted select the debit transaction option at the terminal.
  3. Enter your PIN number.
  4. You're done!

Nobody wants to feel embarrassed by a denied transaction, but rest assured that this is not your fault. If you have any questions about when to "PIN" and why you got denied, please call our Card Services Department at 815-673-5577. As always SOCU recommends that you try to use your debit card as a credit transaction first to avoid pass-through fees.