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Equifax Data Breach Settlement

Back in September 2017, we alerted our members of a data breach that affected Equifax clients. Since SOCU does not report to Equifax this alert was a courtesy to our membership as much of the nation was affected by the breach. Recently Equifax has settled and is offering compensation to those that were hit by the breach. In the days and months to come many new scams may come about from people looking to charge victims to receive help or compensation. Take the below steps to find out if you were affected and to claim your settlement amount. These links are the only legitimate way you should file for your claim.

First read the FTC alert in total to understand your claim options.

Visit the Breach Settlement Claim page to review all options you have in regards to compensation.

Visit the Check your Eligibility on the Equifax breach settlement website.

File a Claim if you are eligible.

Deadline to file is January 22, 2020

If you have any questions about your SOCU account or credit report please feel free to contact us. SOCU does not use nor endorses any Equifax products, this information is meant as a general guideline as taken from the FTC website. Please visit www.EquifaxBreachSettlement.com or call 1-833-759-2982 for more information.