SOCU Owens Ground Breaking
May 24th, 2016Press Release - For Immediate Release
For more information contact
Kathy Lucas - CEO or Mandi Albert VP at 815-673-5577.
Streator Onized Credit Union Begins Construction on their new building in Streator.
SOCU and LaMacchia Group LLC are happy to announce that the area's leading credit union plans to add on 6,000 square feet to the existing Owens branch located at 912 North Shabbona Street in Streator.
Construction will begin on Monday, May 23rd of 2016 with an anticipated completion date of early 2017. SOCU member services will continue as normal during the build with the exception of the drive thru for a brief stint while it is being rebuilt.
"The new build to SOCU will house our operations center. In addition we will be widening the drive thru lanes and adding a much sought after ATM to the Owens Branch.

"This is a very exciting time at SOCU. I am most proud of the fact that we will be expanding our footprint across the street from where we began 77 years ago. " CEO Kathy Lucas said.
Groundbreaking Photo Tag
CEO Kathy Lucas, SOCU board members, senior staff and members of the LaMacchia Group LLC prepare for the Groundbreaking of the new addition to SOCU at 912 North Shabbona Street.
Pictured Left to Right
Don Luckey, Mandi Albert, Nathan Darrow, Angie Kusnerick, Cheryl Davis, Kathy Lucas, Mike Volkman, Bob Lee, Mayor Jim Lansford, Tony Miles, Angie Houch, Harry Godfrey Jr., Cherie Grennan, Dave Throndson, Scott Bulthius, Walter Rakoczy Jr.