Letter from our CEO
June 30th, 2014Happy Anniversary SOCU
2014 marks a milestone in your Credit Union’s history as SOCU turns 75! We are grateful to the members, staff and volunteers who have supported SOCU’s growth over the last 75 years. Each day, we are honored to have the continued opportunity to serve the financial needs of our long-time and new members, their children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, Community Business Partners and local businesses.
In 2014, we’ll once again focus on serving the individual needs of our members, just like when SOCU started as Streator Onized Federal Credit Union back in 1939.
We look forward to our 75th year being notable for great member service, as well as new services and options that will provide you with the best value yet.

It’s a good time to belong to a credit union, but it’s a great time to be a member of SOCU! Thank you for choosing us to be your trusted financial partner.
Happy Anniversary and the best to you in 2014!
Kathy Lucas