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CUAid Activated for CU People Affected by Tropical Storm Harvey

August 29th, 2017

The National Credit Union Foundation has activated the online disaster relief system CUAid.coop to raise money for credit union people in Texas affected by Tropical Storm Harvey.

“With the devastating flooding caused by Harvey, our credit union brothers and sisters need help,” said Foundation Executive Director Gigi Hyland. “Everyone who supports CUAid is helping affected credit union people directly with critical needs, longer-term recovery needs, operational needs, and assisting credit union members.”

As donations are posted through CUAid.coop, the National Credit Union Foundation will coordinate with the Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation in the disaster area to distribute money efficiently to affected credit union employees and volunteers. 100% of the donations through CUAid goes to credit union disaster relief. In the event that all donations are not used for Hurricane Harvey relief, the National Credit Union Foundation will transfer any and all unused funds to its "General Disaster Relief fund" for future disaster relief efforts.