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Phone App Update

June 21st, 2016

With the launching of our new iPhone and Android phone applications we have received several mixed reviews. Members have voiced their concerns about a number of issues and we are working to correct these issues as soon as possible.

Below is a list of issues we are working on:

  1. Adding a running balance to the account histories
  2. Implementing fingerprint login for iPhone
  3. Displaying more data per transaction
  4. Integrating BillPay into app

With the transition to this new phone application we have opened up capabilities for the following new features that will be rolled out within the year:

  1. Remote Deposit Capture: Take a picture of your check to deposit into your savings or checking accounts
  2. Account Switching: Switch between multiple accounts without having to login
  3. Random security question instead of 3 security questions

We are always welcome to more feedback. If you feel like we missed an issue please let us know.

Thank you,

Andrew Threadgill
IT Supervisor